Connecting with my homeland for the first time after more than 30 years

I took these photos of Afghanistan during the summer of 2019, visiting Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan. In these images I share the beauty of Afghanistan. The richness and vibrancy of colors, textures, and light. The beauty of the people and the natural beauty of foliage. I hope you can see this too.

This visit helped inspire me to create Mina Sahar Saffron. It was my first time back since I was five years old after more than 30 years. I returned to the mountains of my birth and saw the love in the faces of relatives I had only distant memories of. I saw the resilience of the Afghan people, still surviving through 40 years of war and hardship. Weddings, births, and funerals go on and are all faced with dignity.

The first picture is of my great aunt in our ancestral village in Jalalabad.

She is as strong as the mountains behind her. I learned that she passed a few days ago. Geography and war separated us, but I am so grateful for that fleeting moment of reuniting. The faith and love she showed me will stay with me. Rest in Paradise, dear great aunt.

I am proud and humbled to be Afghan. Because of the education chance has afforded me, I have an opportunity to start a business that gives ordinary Afghans a dignified way to feed their families. Investing in clean agriculture in Afghanistan brings hope. I’m also bringing the finest saffron to the tables in my community.

Thank you for supporting Mina Sahar Saffron! I Look forward to sharing more.